LMK Imaging Photometer / Colorimeter

LMK 6 series

Individual calibration of each LMK
Additional calibration for high-contrast measurements
Wide range of lenses with customizable settings
Size and Weight
High transmissive spectral matching glass filters


The LMK 6 is TechnoTeam's luminance measurement camera and used in many ways as a standalone measuring device. It is designed to be compact and lightweight and can be used in almost any light measurement application. As it is one of TechnoTeam's core products it is also used in our other camera based measurement systems. The system is currently available in three model types with different image sensor sizes. Equipped with an V(λ) adapted spectral filter glass, the LMK 6 is the right solution for evaluating lighting situations according to human brightness perception.

Technical Data LMK 6-5 LMK 6-12 LMK 6-30
Sensor — imaging CMOS matrix system 2464 × 2056 Pixel
Sony-CMOS [ IMX 250 (2/3"); 12 Bit digital ]
4112 x 3008 Pixel
Sony-CMOS [ IMX 253 (1,1“); 12 Bit digital ]
6480 x 4860 Pixel
Sony-CMOS [ IMX 250 (2/3"); 12 Bit digital ]
Housing dimensions without lenses
(H × W × D)
Stable black anodized aluminum housing
80 mm × 80 mm × 47 mm
Stable black anodized aluminum housing
80 mm × 80 mm × 47 mm
Stable black anodized aluminum housing
90 mm × 90 mm × 70 mm
Weight camera housing without lens:600 g
available lenses: 120 g – 800 g
camera housing without lens:600 g
available lenses: 120 g – 800 g
camera housing without lens:780 g
available lenses: 120 g – 1100 g
Data interface Gigabit Ethernet Interface(GigE®)
Metrological data  
Dynamic range Single picture measurement: 1:1100 (~ 61 dB)
High-Dynamic measure (exposure bracketing series): 1:10,000,000 (~140 dB)
Spectral matching Matched to the V(λ) luminance function for luminance measurement with a full-glass filter
Metrological specification V(λ) [ f1' < 3 % ]2
Measuring quantity Luminance: L (cd/m²)
Measuring range Integration/exposure time from 100 μs to 15 s
1 ms ≈ max. 10,000 cd/m²
3 s ≈ max. 3.3 cd/m²
The detection limit4 (f3,0) for all integration/exposure times is about 0.04 % relative to the given maximum luminance value.
Higher luminance can be measured using optional neutral density filters.
Calibration uncertainty fix focused lenses ∆L [ < 2 % ]
focusable lenses ∆L [ < 2.5 % ]
Repeatability ΔL [ < 0.1% ]
Measuring accuracy ΔL [ < 3% ] for standard illuminant A
Uniformity ΔL [ < 2% ]
1 Typical average result for entocentric lenses, specific results available with calibration certification or on request
2 Spectral mismatch f‘1 according to ISO/CIE 19476:2014
3 The luminance value stands for the measuring range end value at the specified exposure/integration time
4 Definition and measurement according to CIE 244:2021
5 Measurements according to CIE 244:2021 using a luminance standard traceable to the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische-Bundesanstalt, the National Metrology Institute of Germany)
6 Measurement performed on a stabilized white LED light source L=100 cd/m² – mean value over 100 × 100 camera image pixel